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Saturday, June 22, 2013

God's crazy plan!

My wife and I have struggled the last several months to determine exactly what kind of lifestyle we want to lead in the coming years. We have looked into buying a house up here in Connecticut, buying down in North Carolina, renting in either of those states, and hitting the road full-time in an RV motorhome.

We feel strongly that I need to be around the kids a lot more as they are growing up, instead of being away from home five days a week at an hourly job. Also I find great spiritual fulfillment in sharing my books with people all over the country and I have been unable to do that for the last year.

God has laid it on our hearts to hit the road again in another year, maybe two. That way Daddy's career can involve the kids and my wife. They can learn business practices and logistics alongside of me, see new places, meet fascinating people.

This will also be the best move for my writing career. We can hardly wait! But this will take time to prepare for. We need to slim down our worldly possessions and pick the RV that will work best for our lifestyle and our budget (they are not cheap). So if you want to meet me on the road, just wait a little while... I'm coming! (-:

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