With great interest I have been watching the Noah movie buzz spread through the Christian community. Much of the reaction has been negative, centered around inconsistencies between the Biblical account and the movie's interpretation.
The push against the film has made me all the more curious to see it (which is the opposite reaction the gainsayers want to see, I'm sure).
Not having seen the movie yet, I just want to say that I am looking forward to trying it but I do not anticipate it being accurate to history. This is a Hollywood project, folks! Do you really think that is their intent? I think they saw it as an opportunity to make money. And why not? It has been a long time since Hollywood has generated something on this scale that gets people talking about biblical accounts, Christianity, and all that goes with it.
Let's not over-analyze fiction. Take it for what it is: an interpretation and artistic expression inspired by circumstances and/or events, etc. I have often--and I do mean often--come across readers who are reading too deeply into my own fiction for hidden meanings and such. Often they come up with ideas that have no bearing on the author's original intent.
In closing, let me say that, having not seen the movie, I may hate it. Who knows? But I enjoy an entertaining movie and I don't have to agree with the worldviews expressed in it in order to enjoy it. If it was claiming to be a historical documentary, that would be a different scenario. (-:
Your thoughts on this?
I haven't seen it yet either, but I do plan on doing so--not for entertainment purposes, but in order to form an informed opinion and be able to discuss it intelligently. I work in apologetics ministry, and have already been asked about this movie several times. I think it's an excellent opportunity to start discussions. People may not be excited about talking "religion" with a stranger, but who doesn't like talking about the latest blockbuster? Topics like creation and the global flood have been a cultural taboo for a long time, so I'm excited to see them coming into the mainstream again, even if Hollywood does mess up the facts. I can explain misrepresentations or inaccuracies to people, and then I also have an excellent witnessing opportunity as well. If Hollywood wants to keep opening doors and offering clear shots, I'm more than happy to walk in and do some shooting. ; )
Well said, Mary Ruth! We should not feel threatened by these things, instead they should be viewed as opportunities.
It's interesting though because the man who made the movie, even though he isn't a Christian, has always loved the story of Noah since he was a boy. He treats it more like a meaningful story than as a history, but I don't judge him for taking liberties with it, because at least he respects the source material.
There's a great review for the movie at Christianity Today that does recommend the film.
Though I probably will wait to check the movie out from the library, I think I'll like it for the most part.
That seems a sensible and balanced approach you have taken. And I did receive that same impression from an article I read interviewing the director. Personally I can hardly wait to watch it and see what all the fuss is about LOL (-:
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