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Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Rewarding Trip

I've just returned from Binghamton, NY where I met Bryan Davis. He is a really wonderful Christian. He encouraged me and freely shared his experiences. We hit it off even better than I had been hoping we would!

During dinner he went over some of my manuscript, offered suggestions for improvement, and encouraged me. Later, at the bookstore, he let me sit with him for the full three hours that he was signing. When we said goodbye he informed me that he was going to send Dan Penwell (the editor who has my book) a letter of recommendation. He sent me a copy of the email and it blew me away! God has blessed me so much.

Yesterday I received the editorial review from the professional editor and, while I don't feel he would be the right one to do my line edit, his suggestions were invaluable. I am going to rewrite the first novel again, strengthen it, expand it. Once that is completed I will send it to another editor for a line edit (if I don't already have a contract). Mr. Davis recommended a freelance editor to me, she did his first four books, and I will probably go with her. The path to publication is a long process--but there is light at the end of the tunnel! With two published authors now recommending me, I know that my hard work is paying off.

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"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." -Proverbs 16:24

In a world where morality is forsaken and Christ neglected, wholesome books are uncommon. The themes of my writing are love, self-sacrifice, and honor.

I see my generation turning from God to the gods of this world. I see homes torn apart in the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. Children are murdered by the millions every year . . . without ever seeing the world outside their mothers' wombs. Through fiction I strive to encourage those who are willing, to stand against these things and be heroes and heroines; chivalrous, gentle, full of righteous indignation, and the fear and love of their Creator.