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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"OFFSPRING" -Written!

Here's a bit of news my readers ought to enjoy: I finished writing The Sword of the Dragon-book 2-Offspring tonight. It completed at 117,000-words.

I'm sure when the editing kicks in it will end up right around 120,000-words. This is a meaty book. I think that will translate to between 450 and 475 book pages.

Now my concern is cover art. My artist has been slow getting back to me on this project. If she isn't able to do it in a timely manner I will seek another artist for this book's cover.

Anyway, I'm sure everyone is going to love the story in Offspring and hopefully we can get this out to you earlier than originally anticipated. But we'll see about that. I have no intention of pushing it through at the expense of quality. There's a lot of emotion in this story and a large-scale battle!

The big question that was on my mind throughout writing this was: Will Specter live or die? Well, I have the answer now... and you'll see when you read the book!


Unknown said...

Yahoo!! Great job! I can't wait until it is published!!

Great job! I am still waiting for the day when I finish my novel. I think the day will come pretty soon!!

Nathan R. Petrie said...

Specter, is awesome :) I'd be happy regardless. 'cause if he dies, he's going down honorably. So I presume lol

Anonymous said...

Congrats, have ordered SOS and it is on its way, i am sure that I will love it!

Shayna said...

Congratulations, Scott!!


"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." -Proverbs 16:24

In a world where morality is forsaken and Christ neglected, wholesome books are uncommon. The themes of my writing are love, self-sacrifice, and honor.

I see my generation turning from God to the gods of this world. I see homes torn apart in the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. Children are murdered by the millions every year . . . without ever seeing the world outside their mothers' wombs. Through fiction I strive to encourage those who are willing, to stand against these things and be heroes and heroines; chivalrous, gentle, full of righteous indignation, and the fear and love of their Creator.