My second novel should hit bookstores sometime in August. Due to the cover art changes its former publication date in July was cancelled. But, in the meantime, here is what pre-readers are saying:
"The Sword of the Dragon series just got better! The suspense and mystery that ended Swords of the Six builds to new heights in Offspring as the daughter of Dantress takes the reins of the story. Offspring explored more of this brilliant fantasy world, reminding me again of the incredible world-building skills of its author. The characters latched onto my heart and didn't let go, mystery reigned, the battles built with intensity, and I definitely choked up at the end. Seriously. The book propelled me toward its ending and didn't disappoint. Fantastic. Truly original in every character, species, and plot element, Appleton's pen submerged me in a new world, driving out all memory of my own, and when I returned, left me scrambling for book three. If you like a story that makes you think, a story that submerges you into a real world, you will love The Sword of the Dragon series." -Nathan Petrie (Kentucky)
“I was swept away by Scott Appleton’s engaging tale. He has achieved the rare feat of creating strong, unique characters who follow their own path instead of trying to recreate old legends. Many books claim to be ‘in the tradition of Lewis and Tolkien,’ but Appleton has earned that distinction by blazing his own path in modern fantasy. I look forward to more books by this original author.” –Julie Dick (Wisconsin)