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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Colorado Tour

I spent yesterday and today visiting Mountain Ridge Middle School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Pike's Peak rises in the distance and is visible from all the rear-facing windows, making for a scenic educational site.
This school was wonderful to visit as the staff and students are very courteous. They have a lot of readers; in particular readers of YA fantasy! Yesterday I only sold a few books, but today I signed 32!

Yesterday I drove through the Valley Of The Gods. There are such stark contrasts in the terrain out here. It is like visiting a scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Some of the photos turned out better than others and I've posted a few of them below.

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"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." -Proverbs 16:24

In a world where morality is forsaken and Christ neglected, wholesome books are uncommon. The themes of my writing are love, self-sacrifice, and honor.

I see my generation turning from God to the gods of this world. I see homes torn apart in the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification. Children are murdered by the millions every year . . . without ever seeing the world outside their mothers' wombs. Through fiction I strive to encourage those who are willing, to stand against these things and be heroes and heroines; chivalrous, gentle, full of righteous indignation, and the fear and love of their Creator.